A Church with a Moving Past

This historic church is an exact replica of an English country church.  St. Luke's Memorial Church was donated by Charles B. Wright, a pioneer churchman, and built in 1882-83 as a memorial to his wife Sue and beloved daughter Kate.  This church was located at 6th and Broadway in Tacoma, and it served as the pro-cathedral of the Missionary Diocese.  In the nineteen twenties, St. Luke's went through sad days and was closed in 1926. The building was sold to a wrecker in 1932; however, in 1936 the Rev. Arthur Bell and Bishop Lemuel H. Wells (Rector of St. Luke's in its early days) promoted the plan to move St. Luke's to this present site.  After many years of faithful labor, St. Luke's was re-consecrated in 1947.  We are happy to welcome all those who want to share in our worhship services. 


Feature 1

Through God's will, and the faithful dedication of a few of His people, these stones again enclose a sacred sanctuary, the spire again thrusts into the skyline, and worshipers regularly assemble in prayer and praise.  The indomitable dedication and will of the men and women who have called St. Luke's home are manifest in every step of the journey from rock out-croppings to the current vibrant house of worship.  Guided by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit, these followers of Christ have left a legacy rich in social programs and architecture. 

- Ruth M. Anderson
