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Come and see.  (John 1:39)


Welcome to historic St. Luke's Memorial Episcopal Church in Tacoma, Washington. We hope that this visit to our website helps you learn about our parish and assists you in your spiritual journey. You are invited to come join us at St. Luke's for any of our worship services or parish activities.

Come experience the Spirit of God in our worship and in the life of our community, as we live out our core purpose statement: "Worshipping God, serving Christ, loving one another."

The Reverend M. Jacobs+



Schedule of Service

Sunday Services are held at 8:00am Rite One and 10:00am Rite Two with choir. For more information contact us at 253-759-3534.

Read the Bridge


Who are we at St. Luke's?

We are a community of believers living out our core purpose: Worshiping God, Serving Christ, Loving One Another

Worshipping God - We are an historic church originally consecrated in 1883, our beautiful sanctuary is a place where all who enter can feel the power of the Holy Spirit. We value our Anglican heritage and our liturgical worship, traditional music is an integral part of our worship services. 

Serving Christ – Our Sunday School and Youth Programs are active and growing. Adult education covers stimulating and thought provoking topics throughout the church year. St. Luke’s Preschool offers a Christian-based, age appropriate learning experience for 2 ½ to 4 year olds. We support the FISH food bank ministry. We support many outreach ministries such as Habitat for Humanity, Faith Homes, Episcopal Charities, and others. 

Loving One Another – We are a welcoming parish family, a multigenerational community with social activities and opportunities for service for all ages.

Interested in hearing more?  Listen our Sermons

Clergy Rector: The Rev. M. Jacobs

Director of Music: Dr. W. Smith

Asst. Chorister Director: A. Gehring

Director of Preschool: M. Martin

Finance Manager: C. Stelle

Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries: TBD

Office Manager: B. Sherrill

Maintenance: S. Cassio


More information

St. Luke's Memorial Episcopal Church
3615 North Gove Street
Tacoma, WA 98407

Contact us By Phone: 
(253) 759-3534


God has blessed us with a loving faith community at St. Luke’s. Our response to a giving God is to be generous ourselves. We ask everyone to participate fully in the life and mission of our parish by pledging their financial support. You may print and complete the pledge card below, and return it to the church office to make your commitment for the year.

You may make your pledge payments online by clicking here.