Lessons and Carols

(Image design: Burl Battersby)

(Image design: Burl Battersby)


A hushed, wintry candlelight. Silvery violins. Two choirs. Soloists. Readings that take us from darkness to light. Carols familiar and new for all to sing.

This is Lessons & Carols, an Advent tradition at St. Luke’s inspired by the service that began in England in the early 1900s and is now broadcast around the world from King’s College, Cambridge.

And now it’s back, on Sunday December 8 at 4 p.m. with a fancy holiday party to follow!

This year we travel to Italy, with music from Baroque to World War I: Corelli’s “Christmas Concerto” played by our St. Luke’s Camarata, “Dormi, Dormi” sung by our delightful young choristers, “Gesu Bambino” and “Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle” from the chancel choir and soloists. Bells, chimes, strings, percussion and organ come from all four corners of our beautiful church.

This is the Christmas story told through words and song, from ancient days to our own time. It’s both familiar and new; hushed and joyful; comforting and magical.

Please join us – and bring family and friends!