St. Luke's Children's Music Program
Learn: Our choristers receive:
Vocal Instruction
Musical Skills and Understanding
Quality Musical Literature
Knowledge of Church Practice
Earn Voice for Life medals in Royal School of Church Music musical education scheme
Grow: Our Choristers grow by:
Learning about music and the church
Making friends
Experiencing a sense of belonging
Sing: Our Choristers develop their voices with:
Vocal Instruction
Musical Skills exercises
Rehearsing weekly and perform monthly
Participating in the Royal School of Church
Music training camps
Come join the fun!
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we are ensuring the safety of our Choristers by rehearsing outside as weather allows, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distancing when singing. Rehearsals are combined for all ages.
Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:00 - 7:00pm at the church.
Junior Choristers - Ages 4 - Grade 1
Sr. Choristers - Grade 2-8
Schola Cantorum Choir - Grade 6-9+
Music Director, Dr. W Smith
Assistant Chorister Director, Alicia Gehring