Register for Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is full! Any registrations received after Monday, June 23rd will be placed on a waiting list. Parents will be contacted, as space opens up.
There is a $10 registration fee per child to attend VBS. Checks may be made out to St. Luke’s Church with “VBS” on the memo line. All registration forms and fees are due by June 28th.
You can also pay online by clicking here. There is a $1.37 fee for online payments.
Do you have some time to volunteer at Vacation Bible School for a day or two or more? Or, do you have a graduating 5th-12 grader who is interested in helping with VBS this summer? Click here to submit a volunteer form.
A mandatory training for interested youth will be scheduled in June.
3615 North Gove Street
Tacoma, WA, 98407
United States