St. Luke’s offers an array of musical opportunities and events for all ages.
Chancel Choir
Ages high school and up
Enjoy rehearsing and performing psalms, anthems, and hymns.
No experience necessary.
Rehearsals are Wednesday Nights 7:00 - 8:30pm
If you are interested in joining us, please contact the Music Director, Dr. W. Smith at by calling the church office at 253-759-3534.
St. Luke's Children's Music Program
Jr. Choristers - Ages 4-Grade 1
Sr. Choristers - Grade 2-8
Schola Cantorum Choir- Grades 6-9+
Rehearsals are Wednesday Nights 6:00 - 7:00pm
For more information click here.
Women’s Choir
Ages middle school and up
Enjoy singing and performing wonderful SSA music several times a year. Rehearse as needed. We are currently searching for members of this cherished part of our music program! If you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact us at 253-759-3534.
Youth Band
Middle and High School ages
Choir and service music is specially arranged throughout the year to highlight our youth musicians. Rehearse as needed.
We are currently searching for members of this cherished part of our music program!
If you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact us at 253-759-3534.
Virtual Music
During the COVID-19 pandemic our choirs and musicians gathered virtually to sing, play and record hymns and anthems. We recorded the music for all to enjoy.